Thursday, August 6, 2009

All for JESUS.

my life now,
my past,gone;

the life i live,
i live for my Reedemer.

whatever i do,
i do for the one who loves me.

i write to give him praise,
i am proud to add that,
A poet for the Lord i have become,
this will i forever be.

i surrender to his will,
i give all to my Saviour,

...all for Jesus.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


it has indeed been a long break. how was your VALENTINES DAY?hope cool. mine was fun. i was given a treat.My heart goes out to the lonely ones;the orphans and the widows. i cannot overemphasise the need to stretch out our hands of love to the needy. Remember those who give never lack. if you ever want to be successful, you need to practice the principle of giving.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


The new year has beckoned. we are grateful to heed to its call. we have so many goals we are hoping to achieve. Those dreams we did not achieve last year, we hope this year would indeed be fulfilling. However,have we stopped and thought of the dying and suffering. in what way have we tried helping out? This new yeAR 2009, do try and think of others than yourselves.Asides hoping for the best for your lives, extend your hands of love to those in need.